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What Is Art

Art is human expression with an actor, a medium and an observer. The actor is the primary, and often, the only, observer.

Art is deliberate action, with aesthetic elements. In its purest form, art is what it is, it does not represent anything else.

Art evolves. In the beginning, visual and manual arts were interesting objects, found or made by people. Along the way, visual art started representing things, events and stories. Then, representing and provoking emotions. More recently, manipulating perception and conceptual experiences.

Art is influenced by the countless things that make up the person at the time and place of the event; and the combinations of variables that effect the person and the process. The event is unique. It can not be duplicated.

Art is conscious and subconscious. Art is experimentation and exploration. Art is material and spiritual.

Humans make art; and humans appreciate art. As with all human endeavors, abilities vary. Some art is seen as exceptional and treasured.

Humans that make art evolve. We embody an infinite variety of experiences, preferences and skills. We make things that are unique; and, that are consciously or unconsciously, influenced by our experiences. I think, art is a window into the unknown and unknowable.